import * as d3 from './partial-d3';
import {throttle} from './utils';
// Default configuration
const defaults = {
dateRange: [
new Date(2017, 0, 0),
new Date(2018, 0, 0),
selector: 'svg',
timeFormat: '%B',
ticksIntervals: 'Month',
data: [],
intervals: [],
margin: {top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 20, left: 20},
animation: {time: 300, ease: d3.easePoly},
clustering: {maxSize: 15, epsilon: 20, maxLabelNumber: 99},
events: {size: 2},
dragAndDrop: {throttle: 25, zoneWidth: 15},
* Timeline class
* @export
* @public
* @class Timeline
* @author Fabien Sa
export default class Timeline {
* Creates an instance of Timeline
* @constructor
* @public
* @param {object} conf Configuration
constructor(conf) {
* Initialize timeline
* Create the svg node, the axis and calculate the margins & positions
* @protected
init() {
this.svg =;
const {margin, animation} = this;
this.width = +this.svg.attr('width') - margin.left - margin.right;
this.height = +this.svg.attr('height') - - margin.bottom;
this.positionY = this.height / 1.4;
this.timeline = this.svg.append('g')
.attr('class', 'timeline')
.attr('transform', `translate(${margin.left}, ${})`);
this.axisLabels = this.timeline.append('g')
.attr('class', 'axis axis--x')
.attr('transform', `translate(0, ${this.positionY})`);
this.axisTicks = this.timeline.append('g')
.attr('class', 'axis axis--x')
.attr('transform', `translate(0, ${this.positionY})`)
.on('click', () => {
if (this.onTimelineClick) {
this.transition = d3.transition()
.ease(animation.ease instanceof String ? d3[animation.ease] : animation.ease);
* Set timeline configuration
* @protected
* @param {object} conf Configuration
setConf(conf = {}) {
// Check if configuration is valid
const mergedConf = this.checkAndNormalizeConf({...defaults, ...conf});
Object.assign(this, mergedConf);
* Check if the configuration is valid, reorder or remove empty elements if needed
* @protected
* @param {object} conf Configuration to check and normalize
* @throws {TypeError} If dateRange, data or intervals are not arrays
* @throws {Error} If intervals overlaps
* @throws {Error} If dateRange does not have 2 dates
* @return {object} Normalized conf
checkAndNormalizeConf(conf) {
if (!conf.dateRange || !conf.dateRange.reduce) {
throw new TypeError('DateRange should be an array');
if (! || ! {
throw new TypeError('Data should be an array');
if (!conf.intervals || !conf.intervals.reduce) {
throw new TypeError('Intervals should be an array');
conf = {
dateRange: conf.dateRange.filter(Boolean),
intervals: conf.intervals.filter(Boolean),
// Order inner intervals range if needed
// Interval [Date B, Date A] will be switched to [Date A, Date B]
// (with Date A < Date B)
conf.intervals = =>
interval[0] - interval[1] > 0
? [interval[1], interval[0], interval[2]]
: interval
// Check if an interval does not overlap an other one
const isTheirAnOverlap = !conf.intervals.reduce((prev, curr, i, arr) =>
arr[i+1] === undefined
? prev
: prev && (curr[1] - arr[i+1][0] < 0)
, true);
if (isTheirAnOverlap) {
throw new Error('Intervals are not valid because an overlap exist');
if (conf.dateRange.length < 2) {
throw new Error('Date range should have two dates (start and end)');
return conf;
* Render x axis
* Render the polylinear x axis with ticks and pivots and registered events callbacks
* @protected
* @param {array} pivots (optional) List of pivots, if empty, pivots will be calculated
* from the `intervals` option
renderAxis(pivots = null) {
if (pivots === null) {
pivots = this.getPivots(this.dateRange, this.intervals);
const domain = this.intervals.reduce((all, int) => all.concat([int[0], int[1]]), []);
// Create polylinear scale time (from range A to range B with intervals in between)
const getScaleTime = () => d3.scaleTime()
.range([0, ...pivots, this.width]); // all pivots
this.x = getScaleTime();
// Create axis with the given tick interval
const xAxisLabel = d3.axisBottom(this.x)
.tickValues([new Date(), ...domain])
const xAxisTicks = d3.axisBottom(this.x)
.ticks(d3[`time${this.ticksIntervals}`]) // timeDay, timeWeek, timeMonth, timeYear
// Draw axis
// Draw axis
const pivotsGroup = this.timeline.selectAll('.pivot-group')
.data(pivots, (d) => +d);
// Condition to avoid pivots overlapping
const isOverlapping = (pivots, index, x, margin) =>
x - margin <= (pivots[index - 1] || 0) || x + margin >= (pivots[index + 1] || this.width);
// Function to render events via throttle
const throttleEventRender = throttle(() => {
pivots[lastPivotIndex] = lastPivotX;
this.x = getScaleTime();
}, this.dragAndDrop.throttle);
// Draw intervals separation
const that = this;
let lastPivotX;
let lastPivotIndex;
const pivotsGroupEnter = pivotsGroup.enter()
.filter((pivot) => pivot > 0 && pivot < this.width)
.attr('class', 'pivot-group')
.attr('transform', (pivot) => `translate(${pivot + .5}, ${this.positionY - 30})`)
.on('start', (x) => {
lastPivotIndex = pivots.indexOf(x);
if (this.pivotListeners && this.pivotListeners.start) {
.on('drag', function(x) {
if (!isOverlapping(pivots, lastPivotIndex, d3.event.x, 10)) {
lastPivotX = d3.event.x;
.classed('draggable', true)
.attr('transform', `translate(${lastPivotX}, ${that.positionY - 30})`);
if (that.pivotListeners && that.pivotListeners.drag) {
// Render events with the new pivot position after throttle
.on('end', (x) => {
if (lastPivotX && !isOverlapping(pivots, lastPivotIndex, lastPivotX, 9)) {
pivots[lastPivotIndex] = lastPivotX;
if (this.pivotListeners && this.pivotListeners.end) {
.attr('fill-opacity', 0)
.attr('x', - this.dragAndDrop.zoneWidth / 2)
.attr('width', this.dragAndDrop.zoneWidth)
.attr('height', 60);
.attr('class', 'linear reference-line reference-interval')
.attr('stroke', '#000')
.attr('stroke-width', 2)
.attr('x1', 0)
.attr('x2', 0)
.attr('y1', 0)
.attr('y2', 60);
if (this.pivotListeners) {
// Add events listeners to pivots
for (const key in this.pivotListeners) {
if (this.pivotListeners.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
.on(key, () => this.pivotListeners[key](d3.event));
// Remove old pivots if needed
// Add special reference line for today
const todayLine = this.timeline.selectAll('.reference-line-today.reference-line')
.data([this.x(new Date())], (d) => d);
.attr('class', 'linear reference-line reference-line-today')
.attr('stroke', '#000')
.attr('stroke-width', 1)
.attr('x1', (pivot) => pivot + .5)
.attr('x2', (pivot) => pivot + .5)
.attr('y1', this.positionY - 30)
.attr('y2', this.positionY);
* Compute pivots for intervals from date A to B based on `dateRange`
* @protected
* @param {array} dateRange List of date A and date B
* @param {array} intervals List of [date A, date B, width (in pixel)]
* @return {array} List of pivots on the x axis (in pixel)
getPivots(dateRange, intervals) {
// Sum intervals size in px
const intervalsSum = intervals.reduce((sum, interval) => sum + interval[2], 0);
// Sum intervals duration
const intervalsDateSum = intervals
.reduce((duration, interval) => duration += interval[1] - interval[0], 0);
// Create the main scale without intervals
const xMain = d3.scaleTime()
// Domain will be reduce from (date A to date Z) to (date A to (date Z - intervals time))
.domain(d3.extent([dateRange[0], dateRange[1] - intervalsDateSum]))
// Range (size of the axis) will be reduce from full width to full width minus intervals size
.range([0, this.width - intervalsSum]);
// Compute each pivot
// A pivot represent the start or the end of an interval
return intervals.reduce(({pivots, eaten}, interval) => {
// Projection of the start of the given interval on the main axis along with the
// addition of the "eaten" intervals
const xInterpolate = xMain(interval[0]) + eaten;
// We calculate a new interval and add it to our pivots
return {
pivots: pivots.concat([
// Start of the interval
// End of the interval (start of the interval + size of the interval)
xInterpolate + interval[2],
// Intervals previously "eaten" (in px)
eaten: xInterpolate - xMain(interval[1]) + interval[2],
}, {
pivots: [],
eaten: 0,
* Render data events as circles or clusters on the timeline and register events callbacks
* @public
* @param {array} data Array of data events objects (`{date: ..., label: ...}`)
renderData(data) {
let dataTime = data
.map((d) => [this.x(, d.label,])
.sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0]);
dataTime = dataTime.reduce(({firstInCluster, eaten, acc}, x, i, xs) => {
if (firstInCluster === null) {
firstInCluster = x;
} else {
const prec = xs[i-1][0] || 0;
// Squared interval between xi-1 and xi
const intAB = Math.pow(x[0] - prec, 2);
// Difference between x0 and xi+1
const intAZ = prec - firstInCluster[0];
if (intAB > this.clustering.epsilon || intAZ > this.clustering.maxSize) {
// We end the current cluster
// [firstEvent date (number), interval first-last events, first event, last event]
acc.push([firstInCluster[0], intAZ, firstInCluster, xs[i-1], eaten]);
firstInCluster = x;
eaten = 0;
// Cluster of one element
if (i + 1 === xs.length) {
acc.push([firstInCluster[0], 0, firstInCluster, null, 0]);
return {
eaten: eaten + 1,
}, {
firstInCluster: null,
eaten: 0,
acc: [],
const events = this.timeline.selectAll('.event-group')
.data(dataTime, (d) => d);
const eventsSize =;
const eventsEnter = events
.attr('class', 'event-group')
.attr('transform', (d) =>
`translate(${d[0] - eventsSize + .5}, ${this.positionY - eventsSize + .5})`)
.style('font-size', '10px')
.style('font-family', 'sans-serif');
const maxLabelNumber = this.clustering.maxLabelNumber;
.filter((d) => d[4] > 1) // Show the number on top of clusters with 2+ elements
.text((d) => d[4] < maxLabelNumber + 1 ? d[4] : maxLabelNumber + '+')
.attr('dy', -5)
.attr('dx', (d) => d[1] === 0 ? 0 : d[1] / 2) // Center text on top of the cluster
.attr('text-anchor', 'middle')
.attr('pointer-events', 'auto');
.filter((d) => d[0] > 0 && d[0] < this.width)
.attr('class', 'event')
.attr('x', (d) => d[1] === 0 ? -eventsSize : 0)
.attr('rx', eventsSize)
.attr('ry', eventsSize)
.attr('width', (d) => Math.max(d[1], eventsSize * 2))
.attr('height', eventsSize * 2);
// eventsEnter
// .merge(events)
// .attr('height', 0)
// .transition(this.transition)
// .attr('height', eventsSize * 2);
if (this.eventListeners) {
// Add events listeners to events
for (const key in this.eventListeners) {
if (this.eventListeners.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
.on(key, (event) => {
// Override d3 event with custom fields
const customEvent = d3.event;
customEvent.axisX = event[0];
customEvent.clusterSize = event[1];
customEvent.labels = [event[2][1], event[3] ? event[3][1] : null];
customEvent.dates = [event[2][2], event[3] ? event[3][2] : null];
// Remove out of frame events
* Update the timeline with the new configuration
* @public
* @param {object} newConf New configuration with new data or options
update(newConf) {
// Range
if (newConf.dateRange) {
// if (newConf.intervals) {
// const pivots = this.getPivots(newConf.dateRange, newConf.intervals);
// const range = [0, ...pivots, this.width];
// this.x.range(range);
// }
// Intervals
// if (newConf.ticksIntervals) {
// this.xAxis.ticks(d3[`time${newConf.ticksIntervals}`]);
// }
// if (newConf.timeFormat && newConf.timeFormat !== '') {
// // this.xAxis.tickFormat((d) => d3.timeFormat(newConf.timeFormat)(d));
// } else {
// // Reset default format
// // this.xAxis.tickFormat(null);
// }
// if (newConf.ticksIntervals || newConf.dateRange) {
// }
if ( {
* Render the entire timeline
* @public
render() {
* Destroy the timeline, remove the svg node
* @public
destroy() {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 0);